Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 6 EOC | Rocky Ford - Restoring the Brand

Like the Tylenol brand crisis that happened in 1982, the Rocky Ford brand experienced a similar crisis. The Rocky Ford brand was threatened in 2011 and 2012 due to a food-borne illness outbreak that was caused by another farmer who sold bad melons under the Rocky Ford name: “A Rocky Ford farm wasn't even responsible for the outbreak; it was a cantaloupe farm in Holly, about 90 miles away” (Farney). The Rocky Ford brand already took action by trademarking the brand, which doesn’t allow anyone else to impersonate the original: "The Rocky Ford brand name can now be used only for Otero County and an adjacent growing area in the neighboring county" (Flynn). They bought new equipment to better grow and maintain their melons: "[They are now] making the food safety investments the best science was calling for" (Flynn). However, after years of being in the market, their current business is not what it used to be. 

In order to improve the brand and get the brand where it used to be prior to the crisis, they need take more actions to get the public to trust them again. The Rocky Ford brand should remind the public of its reputation, for "cantaloupes from this Rocky Ford growing area have 'a perfect safety record for 125 years'" (Flynn). The brand already has an amazing track record for growing cantaloupes, but sometimes people need to be reminded of that fact. Also, although the tainted cantaloupes were from another farm, Rocky Ford should initiate random and frequent inspections of their crops to ensure healthy and high-quality cantaloupes to ensure the public that their products are absolute safe. As a result, the people will see trust and respect the brand for putting the health of its consumers first, even with the inevitable high cost. If people see that a brand is willing to pay more to make sure that their product is the best of the best for their consumers, they will trust the brand wholeheartedly and buy from that brand.

1. Farney, Teresa. "Colorado Wine News." Rocky Ford Growers Association Working to Provide Colorado Consumers with Safe and Tasty Melons. Colorado Springs Gazette, 7 Aug. 2013. Web. 14 Aug. 2013. <>.
2.  Flynn, Dan. "Food Safety News." Food Safety News. Marler Clark, 20 Aug. 2012. Web. 14 Aug. 2013. <>.
 3. Whitney, Eric. "Listeria Outbreak Still Haunts Colorado's Cantaloupe Growers."NPR. NPR, 14 Aug. 2013. Web. 14 Aug. 2013. <>.

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